
Archive for Notices

Facebook Silliness and Finding Ki’a Redux 2.0

**** UPDATE TO UPDATE TO UPDATE:  36 hours later they accepted my garbled Peter Kia Dagon as a handle, despite me not uploading proper ID.  (I uploaded a PDF of the letter I sent last time this went down on 10/20). Who knows?  It could go down again anytime.  I am going to podcast more

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Realities Accepted

Hello to All Friends and Listeners, I made a choice a long time ago to not have morph into any kind of commercial enterprise.  That is not the purpose of this show and never will be.  I genuinely enjoy doing this podcast and I intend to keep it free and available to the public

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Some Prep Reading For Episode 28

Hi everyone. I am nearly finished with all the prep work for Episode 28 and will start recording soon. But as I get ready to start the recording process, I realize that much of what I am talking about is dealing with some very rich neo-gnostic themes. Neo-Gnostic is a term I use loosely to represent

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A Whole New Paradigm is coming

This website is like a great and reliable soldier.  I never wanted to retire this old warhorse because it has served me well for so many years. But technology marches on and I have a lot of renovating to do.  Due to the following fortuitous circumstances and saving my day job’s per diem checks,

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The Wild Hunt – Become involved in The Premiere Pagan News Site

When I go to research news and current events in the Pagan community at large, I start at the Wild Hunt. I could talk all day about how awesome this endevour is or how cool Jason is to consistently achieve a high level of professional journalism I can’t find elsewhere. But better just to show

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Like hearing me yack on about Magic? Then you might like joining the Podcast Facebook page!

Drop by this podcasts Facebook page and give it a Like if you want to here more yakking. But I do warn you, that I am just another opinionated twatwaffle on Facebook. On many occasions I have acidic, sarcastic and even (when the occasion calls for it) out-right rude comments that I make. I plead

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Book Video Trailer Contest for Reality Manipulation Boot Camp!

Holy Bovines!  Andrieh Vitimus is having a content for a free pass to his Reality Manipulation Boot Camp this May 28, 29 and 30th AND his recently announced Advanced Reality Manipulation Boot Camp in July!  (Plus an extra bonus if the video wins the contest.) This is a HUGE prize that combined costs $575 dollars

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Pagan Chaos Magic : Episode 18

Talk a little bit about Jesse Miller, his music and his Mystic Mind Podcast. The Mystic Mind Podcast Jesse Miller Music Conversations about ConVocation 2010 and some vendors: A Chemgnosis segment on Salvia Divinorum: Daniel Siebert’s Salvia Divinorum SIte Erowid Plant/Chemical Site Psychedelics Encyclopedia, by Peter Stafford Pharmacotheom, by Jonathan Ott Pihkal

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Ah well.  2009 was not the Year of the Pagan Podcast at the Podcast Awards. GO WIGGLIAN 2010!!!
