Hello to All Friends and Listeners,
I made a choice a long time ago to not have paganchaosmagic.com morph into any kind of commercial enterprise. That is not the purpose of this show and never will be. I genuinely enjoy doing this podcast and I intend to keep it free and available to the public as well as licensed under Creative Commons.
I recently added a few affiliate links to the Kia’s Library section where I linked to books in my personal library that I have read, enjoyed and recommend. There will be new links in the future along the same lines. The website retool is far from over, but I have another episode to finish off first. 
Now I am making another move. I have been running this website out of my personal pocket since 2008. Considering the time, work and maintenance costs…I have to embrace a few realities.
Will I charge for anything? NO.
Will I willingly take donations to help defray the cost of Hosting Service, Libsyn Broadcast Hosting fees and all the bits of software and hardware it take to produce the show? Absolutely.
Don’t feel obligated. The information in this podcast is for everyone without charge. But if you would like to be one of the special people who send some resources toward to help keep this show running, you have my eternal gratitude. And I am more than happy to thank you for the donation on the podcast if you wish. Just let me know in the notes or by email.
So if you would be in a position to help out, I am very glad to accept your contribution and wish you great Fortune and Blessings.
Just click on the button below to donate through PayPal:
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