A Special Episode and Plea for the Pixie

I am having a hard time explaining this show to myself. I haven’t had time to build much of an audience yet…so I am having a hard time understanding the scolding I have been getting from the Fey to get off my ass and do a tribute show ever since I got an email two days ago from S.J. Tucker’s fan email list. I mean…the Fey don’t bother me with much, but they are relentless about this. I had quite a scolding in the shower this morning for not moving faster.

The Pixie has been stricken.  She needs our help.

So please help if you can. If you never have heard S.J. Tucker, give my tribute podcast to S.J. Tucker a listen and discover her voice. And buy an album if you are so inclined. Or consider sponsorship.

Just visit www.skinnywhitechick.com

I know it’s just after Christmas and we are all exhausted and broke.

But the Pixie needs our help. And while I cannot stand above this precious Bard with my sword bared, guarding her from harm…I can make the sacrifice of opening my wallet and contributing the only thing that will save her from the Beast of the the American Medical System…cold, hard cash.

Please, if you can, stand with me and let’s help save the Pixie. And then maybe the Fey will let me sleep.

Ki’a Dragon

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